Hearing Test

Get to know yourself better.

Digibionic provides complimentary Pure-Tone Audiometry (PTA) hearing tests for our service recipients

We firmly believe that hearing plays a crucial role in our enjoyment of life, communication with others, and overall safety. That’s why we are dedicated to providing modern technology and quality services to ensure everyone receives accurate and appropriate hearing tests.
Our PTA hearing test offers an easy and precise method. Using specialized testing tools, we introduce varying sound frequencies into the recipient’s ears. This comprehensive assessment evaluates responses and the ability to perceive different sound levels, testing frequencies, and volumes. It enables recipients to understand their hearing status and identify any potential hearing issues.
The Digibionic PTA hearing test is rapid and accurate, typically completed in around 15 minutes. Our expert team ensures efficient explanations of your hearing status, facilitating the most effective results.

Online Hearing Test

Make an Appointment Today
and HEAR BETTER Tomorrow.

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